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Shred Da Ground - Amsterdam

Organisé par
Shred Da Ground

It is with great pleasure and excitement that we come to you with more info about the new edition of SHRED DA GROUND contest in Amsterdam ! After four events in 2016 in Grenoble, Bordeaux and Paris twice, we are back in 2018 with a new date, in a specialy city of Amsterdam, on June 16th.


The last contest in Paris gathered more than 150 people from all over Europe and even from further. That day remains unforgettable, loaded with emotions and energies. So many skaters and particullary Sam Crofts making the atmosphere ever more electric.


After such a succ...

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185,00 €

sur 1 000,00 €
Termine le 9 juin 2018
0 jour restant
Liste des participants (7)
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